The sixty- time-old has been passing difficulties similar as dizziness, blurring of vision, headaches, and lately fell down from a motorbike following a head spin
Dubai A 60- time-old Bangladeshi expat has experienced a life- saving procedure then at a private sanitarium after being diagnosed with severe and multiple blocks in the highways supplying blood to the brain.
An hand at Dubai megacity, Layqot Ali, was diagnosed with severe occlusion in the carotid highways by croakers at Aster Hospital, Qusais. Carotid highways are major blood vessels in the neck that supply blood to the brain, neck, and face.
According to the individual reports, there were severe blocks in the carotid highways of the case, posing a severe trouble to life.
Fall from a motorbike
A habitual smoker and hypertensive, Ali has been suffering from dizziness, blurring of vision, and severe headaches for over a time. lately, he fell from a stationary motorbike near his hearthstone at Qusais.
” I was sitting on a motorbike. Suddenly, I felt my head spinning and fell crashing to the ground. My musketeers, who were around, picked me up, and it took me some time to recapture knowledge,” recalled Ali. The incident touched off him to consult a croaker .
Multiple blocks in highways
On 29 June 2022, Ali consultedDr. Sandeep Burathoki, adviser interventional neuroradiology at Aster Hospital, Qusais.
Suspecting severe occlusion of carotid highways, the croaker ordered a catheter angiography to confirm the opinion. The test result was shocking.
” There’s a brace of carotid highways on both sides of the neck. Ali had a 100 percent block in one of his highways. Two other highways had 90 and 80 percent block, independently. So, there was little blood inflow to his brain, causing dizziness and other problems,” saidDr. Burathoki.
It’s a phenomenon that Ali didn’t suffer a stroke with similar severe blocks in all the highways, the croaker added.
” He came to the sanitarium and diagnosed the condition at the right time. else, the consequence could have been fatal. Reinstating blood inflow to the brain was critical. So, we subordinated him to an endovascular procedure to remove the blocks using a stent. The procedure was a success, and Ali responded to the treatment well,” explainedDr. Burathoki.
No complaintspost-surgery
Ali passed the procedure on 30 June 2022. He stayed in the sanitarium for two days and got discharged on 2 July 2022. He was advised to rest for a week.
Post the procedure, Ali is doing well and doesn’t witness any of the former complaints.” before, it was delicate for me to supplicate or indeed wake up from bed. I used to feel drowsy and felt like my head is spinning. I had to stay for some time for the uneasiness to go down. Now, I’m doing good. I don’t witness any difficulties now. Thanks toDr. Sandeep and the staff at Aster Hospital, Qusais, for their exceptional care and guidance,” he said.
Smoking and hypertension
Ali was a habitual smoker and hypertensive. According to the croaker , in Ali’s case, these life blights could have been the threat factors. He advises people to have an active life and avoid smoking fully to keep analogous conditions at bay.