According to Dr. Alina Mugnani, Specialist Ophthalmologist from Barraquer Eye Hospital Dubai “ Lazy eye, a condition affecting millions worldwide (3% of the population), was previously described as a vision-related issue. However, evidence reveals a deeper connection between the condition known as “amblyopia” and a wide range of diseases and chronic conditions. Neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis, as well as cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and stroke, have been shown to be associated with this condition. Metabolic disorders such as diabetes may contribute to the development of lazy eye through systemic inflammation.

New revelations about lazy eye: Beyond vision problems Lazy eye, or amblyopia, has long been considered a visual problem limited to vision impairment in one eye. However, recent research provides a new perspective that extends beyond this narrow understanding, indicating that lazy eye may be an indicator of broader and deeper health issues. In this article, we will explore how this condition may be linked to various diseases such as neurological disorders and chronic illnesses, and how to recognize signs of its occurrence.
The link between lazy eye and other diseases New evidence suggests that lazy eye may be closely linked to a wide range of diseases and disorders. Studies indicate a connection between amblyopia and neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. It is believed that the neural changes occurring in these diseases may negatively affect vision and lead to the development of lazy eye.
Research also shows a link between amblyopia and cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and stroke. These conditions may affect the blood vessels in the eye, increasing the chances of developing lazy eye.
Metabolic disorders, particularly diabetes, are also important factors that may contribute to the occurrence of lazy eye. Systemic inflammation and hormonal changes associated with diabetes are believed to directly affect eye health.
How to recognize lazy eye Early diagnosis of lazy eye can play a crucial role in preventing the progression of the condition and alleviating associated health problems. Signs to watch out for include:
Blurred vision or double vision: You may have difficulty focusing or notice that objects appear blur. Reduced depth perception: You may have difficulty accurately estimating distances, affecting your ability to perform daily activities. Persistent headaches and eye strain: (Especially after engaging in visually demanding tasks, such as reading for extended periods. Avoidance of visual contact and weakness in social interactions: This may result from discomfort or difficulty tracking movements and details accurately.)
Conclusion Deeper research into our understanding of lazy eye suggests that it may be more than just a visual impediment. It may indicate larger and more serious health problems, making early diagnosis and treatment vital from 2.5 years. Patients showing signs of amblyopia should seek medical attention from a specialist in Paediatric Ophthalmology promptly to avoid worsening problems and ensure effective management of any underlying health issues.”